Opening Procedures

Reopening Procedures Post COVID-19 Shelter in Place Orders

NAMI Kauai will open operations and face-to-face programs in stages, starting September 1, 2020 in response to the lifting of shelter in place orders in Hawaii. The health, safety, and well-being of our employees, members, and the community is paramount. As such, NAMI Kauai will comply with all City, State, and Federal statutory and regulatory requirements, including guidelines issued by the CDC and Hawaii Department of Health.

NAMI Kauai Temporary Office Hours and Visitation Policy

  1. NAMI Kauai will provide in person support groups classes and resources at KATC
  2. Services and support will be primarily provided by phone, Zoom or online format, and email; [email protected] face-to-face meetings will be minimized and provided only on an as-needed basis.
  3. The office is closed to all visitors, volunteers, and staff, including but not limited to program leaders, board members, and members of the general public, unless prior arrangements are made with the Affiliate Leader
  4. Visitors may enter by appointment only.
  5. Program leaders, volunteers, board members, etc. may enter by appointment only and are encouraged to work from home.
  6. Any person exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19, including fever, cough, or shortness of breath will be prohibited from entering the NAMI Hawaii office unless the Executive Director determines that an emergency necessitates their entry into the office.
  7. Maximum capacity in the NAMI Hawaii office will be 8 people; all persons within the office will maintain a minimum of 6 feet of physical separation from all other persons to the fullest extent possible.
  8. Masks must be worn at all times, and disinfecting procedures must be followed.

NAMI Kauai Disinfecting Procedure for all Program Leaders and Staff

NAMI Kauai volunteers have a role in making sure our work environment is safe.

NAMI Kauai will routinely disinfect all high-touch surfaces. These surfaces should be cleaned with soapy water and/or disinfectant spray or wipes (per the EPA, use a 70% alcohol or a 30% bleach solution). Cleaning materials, disinfectant spray or wipes, will be provided.

Examples of frequently touched surfaces and objects that require routine disinfection following reopening include:

  • Tables and chairs
  • doorknobs
  • light switches
  • countertops
  • handles desks
  • phones
  • pens, office supplies
  • keyboards/mouse
  • faucets and sinks
  • touch screens

NAMI Hawaii Gathering Procedure for all Program Leaders and Staff

  • Before each gathering or meeting, pre-registration is required. You must screen each attendee with questions via email or phone call, see screening questions below.
  • The screening questions and guidelines must be posted at the entry of all group gatherings.
  • High risk populations should be urged to stay at home.
  • All attendees must be screened for symptoms. Any individual displaying symptoms of COVID-19 will be asked to go home.
  • Social distancing during a class, meeting, event, etc.:

1. A minimum of 6 feet of physical separation is required between program attendees, leaders, staff, etc. at all times.

2. No more than 10 people are permitted at one gathering at any one time, including teachers/facilitators and participants (NO EXCEPTIONS until further notice).

3. No eating or drinking will be permitted while in the group gathering.

4. When 6 feet of physical distancing between attendees cannot be accomplished, gathering times will be staggered.

5. The use of any shared items and spaces, such as supplies or other common areas, should be Restricted to the extent possible.

6. The dissemination of unnecessary literature, supplies, refreshments, etc. should be avoided.

  • Attendees should frequently wash their hands or use at least 60% alcohol-based hand sanitizer.(Perthe CDC: 60% ethanol or 70% isopropanol for hand sanitizers).
  • Shared spaces and common areas must be disinfected before and after each meeting
  • Cloth face coverings must be worn while in the group gathering.
  • Attendees should avoid touching their eyes, nose, and mouth.
  • Program leaders and staff must stay home when sick or displaying any symptoms of COVID-19.
  • Limits to the number of staff and visitors in office and meeting locations at one time
  • Individuals must comply with any lawful requirements imposed by the facility.
  • No singing, playing of wind instruments or similar activities are permitted.

Safeguards for the ongoing Monitoring of Staff, Leaders, Volunteers, etc.

  • If sick: If you are sick, even with minor symptoms, you must stay home. If you display any signs of illness, you will be sent home immediately.
  • If exposed to COVID19: Please stay home and let us know so that we can monitor our community. You must abide by all guidance from the City, State, and Federal government regarding your exposure, including any mandatory quarantines. If you are under quarantine, you are not permitted to visit the NAMI Hawaii office or participate in any NAMI Hawaii events/programs.

Maintaining Vigilance

Based on the recommendations of the CDC, NAMI Hawaii will maintain routine cleaning and disinfection procedures after reopening to reduce the potential for exposure. NAMI Hawaii will continue to monitor COVID-19 in our area, and if necessary, we are prepared to close our facility quickly if another outbreak occurs.

Discrimination, harassment and retaliation: NAMI Hawaii will not tolerate, COVID-19 related or otherwise, discrimination, harassment, or retaliation.

Employee privacy and appropriate privacy protection for others: NAMI Hawaii employee privacy and medical information is confidential in accordance with state and federal law. If a NAMI Hawaii employee reports COVID-19 symptoms or tests positive for COVID-19, NAMI Hawaii will not disclose the name of that employee to their coworkers. However, NAMI Hawaii will inform potential close contacts of the employee that they may have been exposed to COVID-19.




Do you have any of the following? If “yes” please go home.

  • Fever (100.4° F [38.0° C] or greater using an oral thermometer)
  • Chills
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing


  • High risk populations, please stay at home
  • If you are sick or have any symptoms (see screening questions above), please go home
  • Wear cloth face coverings while in the group gathering at all times, no exceptions
  • 6 feet required between program attendees, leaders, staff, etc. at all times
  • No more than 10 people at one gathering at any one time, including teachers / facilitators and participants (NO EXCEPTIONS until further notice)
  • No eating or drinking while in the group gathering
  • Avoid passing out unnecessary literature, supplies, refreshments, etc.
  • Frequently wash hands or use sanitizer
  • Disinfect shared spaces and common areas before and after each meeting  o Avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth
  • Individuals must comply with any lawful requirements imposed by the facility o No singing, playing of wind instruments or similar activities


For more info email us at [email protected] or call us at 635-3239 631-4982


  • Have you come in contact with someone diagnosed with COVID-19 in the last 14 days?
  • Have you had close contact with any person displaying symptoms of COVID-19 (i.e., fever, cough, shortness of breath) in the last 14 days
  • Have you traveled outside of Hawaii state in the past 14 days?



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