
How to Volunteer

If you are interested in becoming more involved with NAMI Kauai. Please contact us with any questions:

office: (808) 631-4982
email: [email protected]


The programs and services of NAMI Kauai are provided by volunteers.  We have all been affected by mental illness — as family members, as friends, or as individuals living with severe mental illnesses.

We donate our skills and resources because we realize:

  • How much a severe mental illness affects the whole family
  • How little information there is to help people cope and find support
  • How social stigma and bureaucratic hurdles become additional obstacles; and
  • That lack of parity in health insurance coverage presents an unfair financial burden for those with mental illnesses.

Our affiliate depends on the hard work of a core group of volunteers to provide the following basic services:

Phone Help Line:  Volunteers answer questions and provide referrals to those who leave messages on NAMI Kauai’s message based phone line.  Each help line volunteer is provided with materials that updated by the help line chairperson.

NAMI Program Leaders: NAMI has a variety of signature programs you can offer to lead or facilitate, including support groups, classes, workshops, etc. We recommend attending these programs (offered state-wide via zoom, find out more here) to see what interests you, and then if you have interest in a leadership role, let us know! NAMI Hawaii offers annual leader trainings that will give you all the information,practice, and tools you need, as well as partner you with cofacilitators.

Community Outreach/Advocacy: We are in need of support people to help NAMI Kauai build and maintain relationships with community agencies and to create a greater community awareness of mental illness and mental health. This may include tabling at community events.

Communications/Newsletter: We supply a quarterly hard copy newsletter that keeps community members and NAMI Kauai members updated on the work within the agency and within the community. Volunteers are needed to help edit and draft newsletters, as well as for mailings.

Mailing Volunteers: We are in need of volunteers to help draft thank you letters for membership and donations and send out these letters. Materials provided.

Friends in the Lobby:  We are in need of volunteers to help us to engage members of our community and provide information about NAMI Kauai’s programs. ‘Friends in the Lobby’ is a program through which NAMI volunteers offer support and information to visitors seeing their loved ones in behavioral health or psychiatric units of Kauai area hospitals. Training will be provided.

A special acknowledgement must be given to all the NAMI Kauai  members, supports (financial and otherwise) and friends.  We are indebted to them and the continuing efforts of all NAMI Kauai supporters and volunteers.

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