Join Our Local Efforts
There are many ways to advocate and only you can define yourself as an advocate. Advocacy is empowerment and the ability to express your feelings and thoughts about how mental illness impacts your life. Attend our monthly meetings or check out our newsletter to see current advocacy issues in Kauai.
Advocacy Tips: Sharing Your Story
Stories and emotion work best orally
- Write to or meet with your district supervisor
- Facts are most powerful in writing- bring fact sheet
- Fact sheets should be simple and straightforward
- Follow up with legislative assistants
Practice Writing and Telling an Effective Story
- Check out NAMI Smarts for Advocacy and learn to share your story in 2 minutes
- Introduce yourself, tell your personal story
- Explain the challenge and build the tension
- Paint a picture and add details
- Describe the desired outcome
- Conclude—Make the “Ask”
- Thank the listener
Lobbying By Personal Visit
- Visit in small groups—bring constituents when possible
- Make an appointment
- Begin on a positive note/be courteous
- Listen carefully
- Clearly state your position and what you are asking from the legislator
- Reinforce meeting with one-page handout
- Meet with aide if legislator is unavailable